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Jamie Aponte. Jamie is the founder and owner/operator of Piedra River Anglers. His love for fly fishing is something he wants to share with every person who is willing to put in the work. Fly Fishing is after all, the most technical and difficult method of fishing and this is why Jamie can't get enough of it! Fly fishing taught him that fishing isn't just about poking fish. With the sport, there comes an understanding behind the conservation and preservation of our local waters. This is something Jamie teaches on every guide trip and he is excited to share these things with you! His love of fishing came on at an early age in Puerto Rico as a young boy out fishing with his family, mainly his father. After coming stateside, he continued to fish and learned what it means to be an outdoorsman. His parents spent many summers taking the family rafting, camping, hiking, and fishing in the Smokey Mountains and this inevitably created an addiction that brought Jamie out west. Finding Pagosa Springs on accident, he is here to stay and lives to spread his love of fly fishing and conservation to anyone who is willing to listen.

Brad Rivas. Or B-Rad as we all like to call out to him since this nickname seems to fit him so much better. B-Rad was born and raised in the paradise that is known to all of us as Pagosa Springs, CO. He made the mistake of moving away for a very short time and came back with a longing to be submersed in his home roots. B-Rad is a husband and father. These are two roles that he takes very seriously and that fills his heart with joy. But B-Rad will also tell you that the woods, rivers, streams, and mountains of the surrounding area are almost just as much a part of his heart as his family. A true outdoorsman, B-Rad hunts deer and elk, bass fishes, has been fly fishing for trout since he was little tyke, but his favorite fish to poke on the fly right now would probably be the Northern Pike. With a massive amount of true Pagosa Springs native knowledge, B-Rad will show you a good time while leaving you with many more incredible activities to check out while you're in town!

brad pike.jpeg

This is Weston Clark. Weston is a true jack of all trades. I mean, the amount of different things this guy is into and has true knowledge of is crazy. I bet the first thing you don't think is, "Hey! I bet that guy is as good under the hood of car as he is on the wtaer!" Well, he is. He is obsessed with the outdoors in just about any way, shape, or form. And ladies... he's single! Originally from Albuquerque, NM, Weston brings a smile and an extremely positive attitude that is infectious to everyone nearby and he's come to Pagosa Springs, Colorado to show you around the river! Weston spends his summers on the water fly fishing and most of the winter on the slopes of Wolf Creek Ski area right here in magical Pagosa Springs. He is very close to his family and has gained a very large amount of knowledge of the area and loves to share that knowledge with our guests on the water or even at dinner after a long day stomping around our rivers and streams. Get to know Weston and you might just gain a friend for life!

Meet Bryan Smith. There has never been another quite like this gentleman.  Born and raised in the southern parts of Georgia, Bryan is sure to win over the most hesitant of customer with his southern charm.  Bryan has been a part of this family and team since the very beginning and has expanded his knowledge of art of fly fishing with summers in Colorado while the rest of the year he in Bozeman, Montana.  There many different techniques and styles to this sport and Bryan has spent his young post college life trying to learn everything he can about catching trout on the fly.  His eagerness to help those just starting out understand the pure joy that is fly fishing will have each and every one of you wanting for more!  Bryan can help most anyone at any skill level, whether you are the green never ever or the expert world traveler fly fisher.  He is a friend to be made and is waiting to get out on the water with you soon!


Piedra River Anglers in Pagosa Springs, Colorado is proud to partner with the Four Corners Chapter of Safari Club International every year to stock 4,000-8,000 fingerling cutthroats into public water on the San Juan River.  This non-profit program is one of the largest cutthroat stocking programs in the state of Colorado.  Every year we are seeing more of these cutthroats making their way upstream into the East Fork and West Fork of San Juan River where the physical makeup of the river is prime for cutthroat spawning.  These fish are stocked as fingerlings so they can learn to feed on their own.  Stocking these fish at a small size also allows them to learn how to use the river currents to their advantage.  For more information, please contact us!

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This institution is operated under special use permit with the  Rio Grande National Forest.

© 2023 by International Fly Fisher, Inc.

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